Random Act of Kindness: October


Hi hi!

It is October now and as I promised that I would, I have completed another random act of kindness. I like to do smaller acts of kindness throughout each day, but I also carefully plan a more thoughtful random act of kindness each month.You only need to take a look at the Kindness Blog or The Daily Good to see how many beautiful people there are in this world. Their stories have inspired me to do even more good deeds. My mission is to bring as many bright smiles to my hometown and the whole world as I can.

If you want to find out what random act of kindness that I have created and delivered this month, please click on this short video (it has a groovy soundtrack too). I hope you enjoy it!

FZ out!! πŸ™‚


24 thoughts on “Random Act of Kindness: October

  1. What a fabulous soul you are… You definitely brought a HUGE Smile to my face this morning..
    Lovely to meet you and what a lovely and caring way to share the gift of your smile and show the world that by sharing and giving we each add to that ripple effect around the world..
    Brilliant FZ…

    I intend with your permission to reblog this post.. πŸ™‚
    Love and Gratitude..
    Sue xxx

  2. Reblogged this on Dreamwalker's Sanctuary and commented:
    I would like to introduce my readers to an amazing young girl who not only has a wonderful blog, but her mature approach to life and the problems she faces daily is put to one side to make others smile.. Meet The Life Of Fluro Zebra, and see how though her random acts of kindness and her short little video clips she is making a difference in the world..
    FZ you made me SMILE.. So every so often I am going to dedicate a Saturday Post to be called Saturday Smile Day..
    Thank you for being so brave in your pain, and for thinking of others to bring Happiness to there world..
    You brought such a smile to my Day… Many thanks..
    Please People go and take a look at her amazing creations and wonderful outlook on life, She is only Ten..
    Love Sue

  3. This Comment above was meant for Sue who reblogged your post so please excuse my error and delete it. This comment is for you so keep it ! You are a delightful old soul who moved me to tears. You have your ducks in a row and are such an inspiration. Please visit me at my blog. I think you will like some of my stories about the light.

    I do have one question. Where do you find all these phone booths? We don’t have many left in the US!


    • Thank you for visiting my blog, I will be sure to have a look at yours too!
      It is funny how you don’t notice how many phone booths there are until you use them.
      Have a lovely day,

  4. I really enjoyed this post and hope it will encourage others to be kinder and do more for strangers.
    I wanted to tell you, I’m taking part in the Pay it Forward Initiative, 2014. I am sending some kind of surprise to 5 people this year and those people will pay it forward to 5 people.
    I think I will write a blog about it in the future after I finish gifting and following up with everyone.
    I just wanted to let you know since you are so passionate about giving good stuff and love away πŸ™‚
    Many blessings,

  5. FZ…you are amazing!

    You not only warm my heart, but, no doubt, the hearts of so many others as well.

    Keep doing what you are doing. Your kindness, generosity and creativity are having a huge impact on this world. πŸ™‚

    • Hi Michael! I am so sorry I haven’t replied quicker, but I have just had a week long migraine episode. Mum read out your comment and it made me feel good on a not so good day. Thank you for your kind words that you used. It is funny how doing such small acts of kindness can make you feel so big inside! Have a great week,
      FZ πŸ™‚

      • No worries, FZ. You have to take care of yourself first, before you take on the job of fixing the world. Every super hero has to do this. πŸ™‚

        I hope you’re feeling better these days.

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